Practical skills for reproducible computational sciences

Come join us for a small workshop on reproducible computational sciences

  • Day 1. Why computational reproducibility? Data and code management for computational reproducibility.
  • Day 2. Best practices on documenting, testing, and packaging your code.
  • Day 3. Using Git and Github.
  • Day 4. Using Git and Github.
  • Day 5. A computationally reproducible lab organization and the computationally reproducible research manuscript

Day 1. Why computational reproducibility? Data and code management for computational reproducibility

  • How to organize your computational project
  • How to share your code
  • How to share your data

Day 2. Best practices on documenting, testing, & packaging your code.

  • Documentation
  • Testing
  • Packaging

Day 3. Using git & github (1/2).

  • Configuration
  • Saving snapshots (committing)
  • Canceling changes, going back in time, etc

Day 4. Using git & github (2/2).

  • Branches
  • Sharing your code with others (via GitHub)

Day 5. A computationally reproducible lab organization and the computationally reproducible research manuscript

  • Automating your code execution with travis-CI
  • Questions & Answers